Thursday, October 04, 2012

Next year's uptick in pudding cup and tracksuit sales

For all those Republicans who say no to evolution, no to global warming, no to actual voting illegalities in favor of non-existent ones, and no to scientific polling.  For those same GOPers who say yes to trickle-down and "fetus-free abortions" all while Mitt zings his way to the White House --

Your Ship will soon be coming in.

After all, for a group with cult-like beliefs there's no better event than this:

If astronomers' early predictions hold true, the holidays next year may hold a glowing gift for stargazers—a superbright comet, just discovered streaking near Saturn.

Even with powerful telescopes, comet 2012 S1 (ISON) is now just a faint glow in the constellation Cancer. But the ball of ice and rocks might become visible to the naked eye for a few months in late 2013 and early 2014—perhaps outshining the moon, astronomers say.
Of course, we all know those wackos won't make it that long because the Mayans are totally right.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Anonymous said...

Well, I'm old enough to remember the less-than-spectacular Comet Kohoutek...and the less than spectacular (at least for US observers) Halley's Comet return visit in 1986...

On the other hand, at least Comet Hyakutake (had to look up the name) and Hale-Bopp were, if not oh my god spectacular, fun to see in the night sky...especially the latter. It'd be there night-after-night as I drove home from work...

Athenawise said...

I'm with you, Anonymous. Hale-Bopp was wonderful. I stopped people in the street and told them to look up.

pansypoo said...

mitt is gonna get tooo confident he can say anything. he is flopping like a fish out of water.