Tuesday, May 04, 2010

NYT Bloggingheads

Current matchup: David Frum and the Doughy Pantload on whether or not Obama is a socialist.

I'm serious.

Tomorrow: Peggy Noonan and Kate O'Bierne discuss whether Obama is the reincarnation of Pol Pot.

Wednesday: Is Obama Satan? From the right, we have Dinesh D'Souza and from the left Ben Domenech.

Put your topics and pairs in comments.


DanF said...

"Will the Obamunist impose Sharia law in 100 days or 50 days?" On the right Pam "Atlas Shrugs" Geller and on the left, Bob "Confederate Yankee" Owens.

Aaron said...

Is Obama the reincarnation of Adolf Hitler? On the right-Pat Buchanan, on the left the reanimated corpse of Adolf Hitler.

Michael said...

Obama--naive apologizer or vicious embodiment of Big Brother?

From the right, Dick Cheney...and from the right, his daughter Liz...

res ipsa loquitur said...

"Barack Obama: What WON'T he do in his unprecedented, unquenchable, and unreptentent bloodthirsty quest for TOTAL DOMINATION over the white man? From the right we have Pat Buchanan and from the left we have the ghost of Jefferson Davis."

Montag said...

"Will Obama destroy Israel?" On the right, the prostrate flatlined Ariel Sharon, and on the left, Norman Podhoretz.

"Will Obama destroy our military by eliminating 'don't ask, don't tell?'" On the right, LTG Jerry Boykin, and on the left, James Dobson, and in the middle, Joe Lieberman.

"Is the media still too liberal for a conservative America?" On the right, Glenn Beck, on the left, the ghost of George Lincoln Rockwell.

"Was the United States founded as a Christian nation? On the right, Franklin Graham, on the left, Monica Goodling.

pansypoo said...

the 'liberal' media at werk. the rite, and the other side, the far rite.