Saturday, February 09, 2013

"Oh, yeah, various anonymous and unverified 3rd world taxi-drivers disagree!"

Krugthulu speaks the truth about Tom Friedman:
Krugman said that Friedman was often very wrong about the economic issues currently facing the country. "I often disagree with Tom," Krugman said. "I often disagree with a school of thought of which he is a member. Times etiquette is, I talk about the school of thought, not the guy. Tom's a good guy, but I think that, on these issues, he's just much too close to the Beltway conventional wisdom.

There are times when conventional wisdom is right, but right now, it's really, really wrong."

Krugman also spoke about columnist David Brooks. "David's a conservative. He and I really disagree on what kind of society we ought to have," he said. "I don't think Tom and I really do disagree, but Tom has a different view of how we get there. I'm much more confrontational ... on the straight economics, I've been taking positions that seem outlandish to a lot of Beltway types, except I've been right!"


StonyPillow said...

Paul Krugman's earned two scoops of sideboob.

Anonymous said...

, I've been taking positions that seem outlandish to a lot of Beltway types, except I've been right!"

True dat, Paul, but didn't you get the memo? The concept of "being right" or "being wrong" is just so 20th century!

21st century journalism demands MORE SIDEBOOB!

Raoul Paste said...

I think there was a study showing that Krugman had a better track record of predictions than any other pundit. That should matter.

But the problem now is that nobody in DC will admit they've been wrong.

pansypoo said...

you should not get your economics lessons from 'taxi drivers'.

OR from the party that DUG THE HOLE.