"Obviously", Tucker Carlson opinined, "don't let the smiling faces fool you, nor the speech, nor the statements otherwise. The Clinton's still believe that Hillary will be elected President in 2004."

When did Patty LaBelle become "hot", and her hair "normal"?

Oh, let's just get it out of the way, future Drudge top of the page picture.

In the land of the just, President Al Gore accepts his parties nomination for his re-election, while George W. Bush accepts a job as the Vice-President of Marketing at Texas largest Car Dealership, RRRRRRRRRRR!

"Which of these two am I supposed to try to marry first?"

Al and Tipper Gore impersonate President Bush and Tony Blair

Everybody hesitated momentarily as Senator Mikulski went over to the pole to begin her dance routine.

Behold, the power of the Clenis.

Behold, the power of the...ok, let's not go too far here.

Another normal vacation day in Crawford, Texas for the President.

RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! Dick Cheney is being flirtatious. Eiyeeeeeeeee! Oh, sorry, it was just gas.

The Bush Administration classified a New Weapon of Mass Destruction yesterday.
That's right, two, count 'em two, falling off the bike jokes in one post.
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