It takes a stooge to burn the village in order to save it so the village can someday raise a child.
Got it?

Let's see, shoot him, shoot him, shoot him, give him just kidding, shoot him, shoot him...

Saying "who wants a piece of me?" Dick Cheney wanders into the crowd to throttle a young asian-american man."

Wow, Hannity, Norm Coleman and Dick Cheney. How can the Democrats keep up with such happy, go lucky, charasmatic individuals?

"Look, we have reliable chatter that Al Qaeda is planning on attacking most urban area polling stations around the nation on or about November 2, 2004, but nothing specific, I mean, other than the method they choose will be incredibly painful. And that is really all I can say at this time. And if you didn't all of my remarks, I'll be back the next time the President's approval ratings get near 45%.

Vice President Cheney and his wife Lynne celebrate his making it through the metal detector alive. Next up...a sauna.

"Dear Mr. Secretary Powell, I know sometimes my dad can be a bit difficult. But if he gets out of control, please feel free to take him to the break room and put him next to the microwave. That usually calms him down." Signed Mary "Quisling" Cheney.

The world breathed a sigh of relief this week as the Bush Administration announced the capture of Bobby Fischer.
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