President Bush tells the crowd he intends to serve four more years! (Ah, I never get tired of that one.)

Do I really need to write a caption, when Bush Campaign Staffers are passing out signs saying "Teens for Bush"?

Apple does not fall far from Tree

Dennis Hastert demonstrates to the press that, as he has an actual blowhole, he may indeed be a whale. Meanwhile, he introduces his associates: Famine, Death, War, and DeLay.

Secretary of State Powell keeping busy attending a Powerpoint Presentation Continuing Education class.

Hmm, numbers not good, economy sputtering a bit, Iraq not going well, 9/11 Commission report coming out, Plame still out there. What possible non-story could I leak to the press to get them all in a tizzy. God, damn these socks they never stay up...what should I have for lunch...a burger? Say...socks, Burger...Berger...I GOT IT!

War, what is it good for? Well, they've all been pretty good for me I can tell ya!
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