Dennis Kucinich reacts in glee as he thinks he spies an Oliphant. (Ed: You are such a goddamned geek)

Retired Joint Chief's Chairman John Shalikashvili shows off his killer Donald Rumsfeld impression.

A worker at the Bush/Cheney War Room in Boston takes time to do the sort of productive computer work most do -- actively searching for the porn. Apparently, Bush War Rooms are a growing business, given their proliferation, Baghdad, Khandihar, Kabul,


Florida, the home of competent and fair voting, on occasion, casts its 89, er, 77, er, 105 votes for...um, I'm sorry we forgot to write down the vote totals.

Too bad that "Hope is on the Way" line caught DNC folks off guard huh?

A Special Message to Chris Matthews, Britt Hume, and Judy Woodruff.

You cannot spell high class and quality without Billy Baldwin. Oh, and Bianca Jagger, also still alive. But where are the bloggers?

Well, Mickey Kaus was too preoccupied to attend last night.
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