Saturday, May 08, 2010

The Double Down of Stupid

Who else but Sarah Palin?

“I think we should keep this clean, keep it simple, go back to what our founders and our founding documents meant,” she said. “They’re quite clear that we would create law based on the God of the Bible and the 10 commandments, it’s pretty simple.”

Yeah, because that 3/5ths Clause came straight out of Deuteronomy.


StonyPillow said...

Mad skillz! Look upon these works and despair, O M$Paint wannabees!

jimmiraybob said...

"’s pretty simple.”

Part of the reason it's so simple is that "we were intended to be a Christian nation" is made up to accommodate simple minds. All of the founders agreed that morality and public virtue were necessary for the success of the new republic but most realized that these characteristics could be taught and sustained in many ways, including but not limited to the practice of Christianity.

Early Puritan Mass. experimented with a harsh, Bible-based theocracy. It didn't work out. The founders knew what they were doing that's why they included no establishment of religion into the Constitution of the new nation.

Now, people like Palin want to takes us back to the 17th century - if you like the idea of the inquisitions and witch/heretic burnings/stoning/pressing/hanging you'll love Sarah America.

mileslarboy said...

Love the graphic.

DanF said...

I think the prudent thing to do would be to give this concept a test drive in some place like Mississippi or Alabama and then gauge their success at establishing a Biblical, free-market utopia. Maybe make a nation out of the top half of both states. We can call it Malabippi.

As always - props to the made Paint skillz.

Distributorcap said...

and the MSM takes her word as the gospel of course -- because she is hot!

pansypoo said...

simpleton. whap her with the fucking magna carta, inscribed on a brickbat.

can you say deist, moron?

Anonymous said...

she showed up here,heartache for Koch conservative Wichita in our brand spanking new ARENA which seats 15,000 and the local media tactfully muted the turnout to "thousands" though I've heard tell it was around 2,500.
She may be hot but the local economy is not.

Montag said...

Funny, I don't recall the Commerce Clause in the Ten Commandments.

Or habeas corpus, for that matter.

Or the right to vote. The Old Testament God wasn't all that big on democracy.

And, I'm pretty damned sure there are no burning bushes in the Constitution--not even in the Bill of Rights.

So, even if we ignore the Establishment Clause and Article Six (and why should we?), Sarah Palin is still just plain full of shit.

The great tragedy here is that the media continues to give this religious nut and intellectual slob a platform.

Privatize the Profits! Socialize the Costs! said...

Um, Sarah, you must mean The Thirty Commandments?

Because the Bible offers us three different sets of ten?

My personal fave is the one about Thou Shalt Not eat a goat that has been cooked in its mother's milk.

I shit you not.

pansypoo said...

i can't wait for lol leviticus.

elbrucce said...

Yeah, because that 3/5ths Clause came straight out of Deuteronomy.

Surely it was from the book of Numbers.

Major Woody said...

Clearly, the Founding Fathers were extremely worried about the worship of graven images.