Sunday, May 09, 2010

Yet another

Tragic breech of Celebrity/Pornstar confidentiality:

Did a Polish porn actress named Violet Kowal have an affair with Mel Gibson? That's what she told the National Enquirer, and they say she took and passed a lie detector test.

Mel Gibson's alleged girlfriend is probably 'almost' as pissed as Bombshell McGee is. I mean, if Gibson was going to bonk a pornstar, you'd think it would be the one who's tatted up like a walking Nuremberg Rally.


StonyPillow said...

sMell's breeches are tragic mostly 'cause he can't keep 'em zipped.

Hope he has a happy Mother's Day. His FTD bill is heading up toward the GNP of Upper Volta.

pansypoo said...

tattoos not big for opus dei.

Anonymous said...

Best Sex Ever is one cross Mel's Jesus of Nazareth didn't get to carry in that interminable piece of crap.