Friday, May 07, 2010


Via Balloon Juice...worst series of applied reach-arounds ever!

Talk the politics of The Godfather with Robert Kagan. Take a staff ride to the Gettysburg battlefield to study military leadership, decision making, tactics, and strategy with AEI scholar Gary Schmitt.

And have evening discussion with Jonah Goldberg author of Liberal Fascism and National Review editor-at-large as well as former Bush speechwriter Marc Thiessen. Other evenings will be spent with Charles Murray, Arthur C. Brooks, and Thomas Donnelly.


Montag said...

I expect the Mighty Right-Wing Wurlitzer to send budding fascists to summer camp. That's always been part of their program (even though it's a new low in their initiation rites to subject human beings to an entire evening with Doughy Pantload).

The worst bit in those links is that the supposedly progressive Center for American Progress is yakking it up with the likes of Norm Coleman.


donnah said...

See, for some people "Hell" would be all fire and brimstone, agony for eternity and whatnot. For me, it would that summer camp.

DanF said...

It would be hell donnah, but at least there'd be donuts.

pansypoo said...

confederacy of dunces.

Athenawise said...

And have evening discussion with Jonah Goldberg ...

Who will curl up in your lap, suck his thumb, hug his teddy bear and cry, "Mommie, Mommie..."

Anonymous said...

Why don't they get to meet the shadow financiers of all this, the Koch brothers, proudly carrying on their father's Rich Inherited wealth and John Birch Heritage? Vox