Monday, May 03, 2010

This Cat Kept Me Up All Night Saturday

When you clean up cat puke twice in a ten minute period does it mean that your relationship with the cat -- and/or its human -- has drifted into previously unchartered but more meaningful waters? This is the important question I am grappling with at the moment ...

Yes, I know the picture is crap.


Anonymous said...

I have no truck with cats, nor they with me. I've just never appreciated the feline world.
A dog was always my favorite, but now I hate to start a relationship at my age and condition.
My life would be so void and meaningless without blogs.
Are blogs a form of pet? Vox

Culture of TrÜth said...

I think the answer to your question is

[ barf ]


pansypoo said...

hint on cat barf, an old metal spatula really works on picking up erp. toss in toilet. hey, it doesn't smell like human erp.

spring. they are molting.

res ipsa loquitur said...


Pretty sure that's what it was, i.e., it got really hot and humid fast here this weekend and I don't think her molting was keeping up with the heat. The GC had been brushing bales of hair off her for days. She was sluggish and unhappy all day.

pansypoo said...

any hair um, sausage? sometimes they need a few erps before it gets out.