Only a publication of such "sober" discernment would have the good fortune of publishing this by pulitzer prize ineligible Rich Lowry:

at a time when THIS is happening:
Nine die in Baghdad mosque bombing
as well as this...
*An American soldier was killed and another injured Friday when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in northern Iraq, a U.S. military statement said. The improvised explosive device detonated north of Tal Afar while the soldiers with the Army's 1st Corps Support Command were on a combat logistics patrol. Since the start of the war, 1,566 U.S. service members have died in Iraq.
*The U.S. Senate on Thursday overwhelmingly approved $81 billion for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
*Al-Jazeera on Friday also aired video of three Romanian journalists -- two men and a woman -- and a translator who have been held hostage in Iraq since March. The network said kidnappers have given the Romanian government four days from the release of the video to pull its troops out of Iraq or the journalists will be killed.
Sadly, given their track record, a bloodier Civil War is all but guaranteed.
Fortunately for them, right-wing nuts are never held accountable professionally for being gigantic fucking douchebags...

Did someone call my name?
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