Is it [insert banal holiday here] already?
Regular headline captioning is nice, but doing funny captions of the 265 Popes [Plus some Anti-Popes down the road]...NOW THAT'S COMEDY!
You don't get this kind of quality blogging from Josh Marshall or the Center for American Progress!

Pope Hilarius the First [461-468] (and shockingly ONLY). Invented the Liturgical knock-knock joke.
First Guy (knocks): battuo-battuo
Second Guy (inside): Ibi?
First Guy: Jesu
Second Guy: Jesu who?
First Guy: Jesu chistos, ego ineo!
Unfortunately, that bombed with the Vandals.

Alexander VI [1492-1503] (yes, he's a Borgia).
"Blessed is he who can paint me a good nude of my mistress and my daughter getting jiggy? And throw in a hot bowl of bad soup?"
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