Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Kent State: XL

So today is the fortieth anniversary of the Kent State Massacre. Expect some really offensive commentary and crack "analysis" from the usual suspects in our political and pundit classes.


JDM said...

There were plenty of assholes at the time who said the kids deserved it. The Vietnam War was no Periclean Age in ameriKKKan politics and policy. Some current idiots will say the same sort of thing. Maybe even Pat "I Should Have Been Indicted" Buchanan, right on my teebee.

pansypoo said...

blaming the victim is common. they were all dressed provocatively too.

Anonymous said...

Kent State was a dark and outrageous deed by the Nixon reich that never was dealt with, like Abu Garib, Guantanamo, MyLai...Vox

rapier said...

4 dead isn't a massacre unless you were one of the four or their family and friends. It was a bad melodrama. The crucial thing about Kent State was that 60% of Ohio residents by one poll thought the killings were a good thing. Well good thing is my spin perhaps and I don't know the exact question but I think support or 'good thing' are a pretty fair representation. I believe this poll was taken after it was known that 2 of the 4 dead were bystanders.

When it comes to politics or what is perceived as politics by citizens, Americans are enthusiastic authoritarians. Even very nice ordinary non political people embrace state violence against the 'other' without thought.

I took that to heart in 1970 and it has animated my thinking about politics ever since. The basic idea is that politics is poison. Yet, of course it is necessary.

Another thing not apparent is that for all the losses we liberals continuously suffer and have over let's call it 1000 years, we are winning. Let us hope that doesn't stop. Environmental or nuclear war will stop it.

pansypoo said...

sheeple suck.