Sunday, July 18, 2004

Slowly but Surely

It's been a frustrating few days as I try to rebuild what blogger hath wrought of the original Rising Hegemon site.
This morning was rebuilding the blogroll, hopefully all the former were included...with some new additions.
This whole rebuilding thing has really taken away from my ability to do the work I actually get paid for, my reading time, and most importantly my personal "Cheneying" time. 
Meanwhile, one more frustration...for whatever reason Blogger has added to my difficulty by making posting pictures more maddeningly difficult and I've yet to figure it out.
So to the extent there is snark, until I figure it out, I'm going to have to go with the Tbogg method and try to rely upon my writing for humor.  Oy!
I would like to thank SMD from a Vast Left Wing Conspiracy for the help...which at while it didn't save the old site did help me get rid of the awful "blogspot" ad on the top.

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