Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Far be it from me not to write about what people are writing about

Gee, you get away from the "Internets" for a dozen hours and you miss the opportunity to be one of the first three or four bloggers to rip John Cornyn a new one...and being that he is already an asshole, does that mean you are cloning, splicing or budding?

Digby, Boy Wonder, Atrios, First Draft, they've all commented already and quite well. Unfortunately, there is nothing actually funny at all about this statement:

"It causes a lot of people, including me, great distress to see judges use the authority that they have been given to make raw political or ideological decisions," he said. Sometimes, he said, "the Supreme Court has taken on this role as a policymaker rather than an enforcer of political decisions made by elected representatives of the people."

Cornyn continued: "I don't know if there is a cause-and-effect connection, but we have seen some recent episodes of courthouse violence in this country. . . . And I wonder whether there may be some connection between the perception in some quarters, on some occasions, where judges are making political decisions yet are unaccountable to the public, that it builds up and builds up and builds up to the point where some people engage in, engage in violence. Certainly without any justification, but a concern that I have."

Nice veiled threat there Senator.

What the fuck is it about Texas Republicans? Tom DeLay, John Cornyn, Karl Rove, I mean jeebus how scary is it that 'Dear Leader' and Kay "My VO-5 Use Alone widened the O-Zone layer 15 miles" Hutchinson are the "sane" ones?

And this, of course, isn't the first moronic statement Cornyn has made. His last notable lashing of the judiciary harped about it creating the dangers of "man-boxturtle" sexual relations.

I believe if we combine these two items we know what John Cornyn really believes is going to happen:

But the really dangerous, and let's just lay it out here, the UN-American aspect of it is that it is pure demogougery of a type loved by the modern Republican Party leaders...reflected each day by the FoxNews Zoo Crew. Many of these judges, are conservative Republicans themselves, but ones who have taken an oath to uphold the law, not to twist it to whatever the GOP House and Senate Leadership wants for political opportunism. One gets the feeling (actually one pretty much knows) they would gladly throw progressives in prison for that reason alone.

Welcome to America in the 21st Century.

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