Thursday, April 14, 2005

"Mr. Culture of Life"


Somewhere Randall Terry is rubbing himself to release over this statement from certifiable nutjob, mass murderer and his likely personal hero Eric Rudolph, the John Brown of the modern religious right:

"There are those who would say to me that the system in Washington works. They say that pro-life forces are making progress, that eventually Roe v. Wade will be overturned, that the culture of life will ultimately win over the majority of Americans and that the horror of abortion will be outlawed. Yet, in the meantime thousands die everyday. They say that the mechanism through which this will be achieved is the Republican party, and under the benevolent leadership of men like George W. Bush the wholesale slaughter of children will be a thing of the past. But with every day that passes another pile of corpses is added to the pyre. George W. will appoint the necessary justices to the Supreme Court and Roe will be finished, they say. All of this will be achieved through the lawful, legitimate democratic process. And every year a million and a half more die. I ask these peaceful Christian law-abiding Pro-Life citizens, is there any point at which all of the legal remedies will not suffice and you would fight to end the massacre of children? How many decades have to pass, how many millions have to die? Is there any point when the cries of children will not go unanswered? I think that your inaction after three decades of slaughter is a sufficient answer to all of these questions."

Yes, no better advertisement for the "Culture of Life" than the statements of a mass murderer.

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