Wednesday, March 24, 2010

What literary giants

Wingnut Welfare has wrought:

This legislation is a superconducting super collider of culture-war conflagrations.

That's "merit" scholar Jonah Goldberg who takes his wit from Oscar Mayer instead of Oscar Wilde.


DanF said...

What a super-maroon. Bizarre metaphors aside, does Rube Goldberg know that the superconducting super collider was a project approved under the sainted Reagan administration?

Unknown said...

...the Reagan administration... yes, I do seem to remember them now--- weren't they the ones that were so proud to have sold US weapons to Osama Bin Laden, Iran AND Saddam Hussein?

If Bill Clinton had ever done that, I tell you he'd have been hung from a lamp post...

Anonymous said...

Goldberg grows on folks, as one high school essay put e-coli grows on ground beef at room temp. vox

pansypoo said...

william safire he ain't

Montag said...

Jonah's first rule of writing: "Metaphor, meet Mixmaster."