Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Well tomorrow we can start our fretting about the coming "grand bargain" but at least for tonight there's relief.

Yay, the sinking of Tea Party favorites...a lesson that will surely not be learned -- they'll be back dumber than ever.  Good luck with that mainline GOPers, that's a bed you've happily made.

Yay, Elizabeth Warren.

And now we can point at laugh at the following:

1.  Unskewed Polls guy.
2.  And on that note, this site "NateSilverisWrong.Com" just went up yesterday.  Good timing.
3.  Dick Morris (just replay your laugh from 2008).
4.  Peggy Noonan, who said she thought Romney would win and Obama loses through the power of her observation skills of reading the face.  She gets a LOT of money for that kind of analysis.   And she'll never want for a salary for it.

But hey, at least the 1% got to party in style.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

The Obama wallpaper at FDL put up a force field repelling your post there.

Raoul Paste said...

Those Romney billionaires will have to console themselves with their enormous wealth.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Will there will be requests for refunds?

pansypoo said...

finally some bills get paid.