Monday, August 23, 2010

Ok, the world is strange

I am just curious about something.  If all of the media outlets assume that the Democrats are going to lose and lose big in a super smashing utterly devastating soul crushing way without any possible hope of a smidge of dignity because the public is so angry about the economy:

Why do they never mention that Bush created this stupendous clusterfuck?!

Just asking.


Montag said...

Because Bush has been disappeared... at his own request.

My guess is that everyone in the establishment wants his memory put in deep-freeze until enough time has passed that they can then begin, at the right time, to begin the hagiography and his political resurrection.

Ala Nixon.

pansypoo said...

because they CREATED the bush monster.

Olives and Arrows said...

Why do they never mention that Bush created this stupendous clusterfuck?!

Mostly because Bush only allowed the original cause of the financial crisis to continue unabated, he didn't actually "create" it. The cause of the crisis was affirmative action mortgage lending and that was mostly created by Democratic Party policy and its various victim groups.

Athenawise said...

O&A, take your nose out of the juice carton and put it back in the 'fridge.

Major Woody said...

Why do they assume that? Because that's their job. Everything is good for the Republicans, and everything is bad for the Democrats.

pansypoo said...

more blame goes to greenspan. bubble boy.

Olives and Arrows said...

Does the Major actually think that the media favors Republicans?

pssst.....Major, maybe it's time you considered that the blue pills on the same day as the yellows ones has been really bad for ya?

We're all hoping it's only that and you haven't been into Hedley's re-uptake inhibitors stash.


zuzu said...

The foundations of the US economy are pretty damn shaky if a few low-income mortgage defaults can bring it down.

Major Woody said...

Does the Major actually think that the media favors Republicans?

Well, duh.

Borderline and Narcissist said...

// Oh LOOK !! Andrew Cuomo !!! //