Monday, July 19, 2010

But I got an email from Lord Monckton?

Wheee..... Oh those "Nazi-like" climate conspirators.

...last month was the warmest June on record worldwide. Last month also saw the lowest recorded level of Artic sea ice.

I'm sure Steve Doocy has a New Black Panther to talk too that looks suspiciously like Mark Williams wearing Kiwi polish.


DrDick said...

And with this result, we now have the warmest first six months of the year on record. Of course, global warming is a hoax because it snowed somewhere in the US last winter.

Athenawise said...

Nah, it's not global warming. Limbaugh is on a high-fiber diet, is all.

pansypoo said...

so far since april on the north pole, the temps have been 12c or higher. usually there would have been some blizzards. we are fucked.

Olives and Arrows said...


It's quite odd that the most pious proponents of the global wa...I mean proponents of the climate change religion never seem to mention Antarctica.
Very strange.
That is.

Olives and Arrows said...

// Oh LOOK !! Andrew Cuomo !!! //

pansypoo said...


Anonymous said...


