Regarding claims that the BP oil spill is not as bad as it seems...ask yourself (and suggest that those making the claim ask themselves) one simple question: would you let your kid swim in the Gulf of Mexico?
On an entirely unrelated note, watch this.
P.S. I can think of a few offsets.
Update: I may keep adding to this post. No theme here. Just random stuff I'm coming across as I read the internets while I do my laundry.
Another reason to root for Elizabeth Warren (via The Baseline Scenario). I remember reading that case. Same no-need-to-question-my-assumptions-which-spring-from-years-of-being-fed-rightwing-horseshit-and-which-I-simply-refuse-to-question arguments in my class (in this case, civ pro), I'm afraid.
Since I gave up cable (and Joe Scarborough), I torture myself with Bloomberg radio in the AM. It's also a load shit, but it bubbles away in a slightly different crock. This morning: a lot of stuff about Charlie Rangel and Nancy Pelosi (the hosts are always after Pelosi, whom they despise), but nary a word about the Wyly Brothers.
This trailer would have been terrific, if only someone had stopped it at 0:53 with the words, "You don't get to 500 million friends without making a few enemies."
On a related note, is there a bad cover of Radiohead's Creep? If there is, I haven't heard one.
After watching the video on Dependable Renegade, I feel I'm totally caught up on the last five years of Morning Joe. Three hours a day and so little is ever said ...
"Regarding claims that the BP oil spill is not as bad as it seems...ask yourself (and suggest that those making the claim ask themselves) one simple question: would you let your kid swim in the Gulf of Mexico?"
Too late, Res. That sensible rebuttal won't work anymore. Not since the Big Oil shills have moved on to this talking point: "The Gulf was already f-d up before the BP spill."
AM teevee should be avoided like AM radio.
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