Chris Matthews: ... Topics
: Will African Americans Stick With Obama This Year?
Yes, given the many demonstrations of racial harmony we've seen from the Teabaggers, Rush Limbaugh, and Glenn Beck this year, it's hard to see how the nations African Americans won't go GOP in droves.
Is it me or is it television that makes my life so wretched that I don't even think to watch yapperers yap on sunday am talkathons.
I'd rather go to church and be around people who go to church to be around people...vox
If at least 50% of the African American vote doesn't go for the party stocked with racist, it only proves African Americans are the real racists.
// Oh LOOK !! Morgan Freeman !!! //
oh look, isiot.
when do talking heads STFU?
Other good Topics for Matthews show:
Will Gays side with Fred Phelps this year?
Will mice side with cats this year?
Will Native Americans side with Custer this year?
Will bacteria side with penicillin this year?
Will Jews side with Nazis this year?
teapartiers with the NAACP?
They're not even gonna vote fer Zombie Richard Nixon, ya knuckle dragging Fux retards.
If at least 50% of the African American vote doesn't go for the party stocked with racist, it only proves African Americans are the real racists.
50% isn't anywhere close to a realistic number, Dan.
In the 2008 election only 4% of African Americans voted for John McCain -- a candidate that was decidedly to the left of George Bush. George Bush garnered almost 12 % of the African American vote in 2004, almost 3 times the (AA) votes as John McCain. That's the reality, Dan. Unfortunately.
Put another way -- (and this is easy to understand, even for somebody mathematically challenged, like Dan, a college basket-weaving dropout) :
John Kerry garnered 41% of the white voters in 2004.
Barack Obama garnered 54% of the white voters in 2008.
If white voters had shifted in the same manner as black voters did in 2008 -- toward a candidate of the same race as the voter -- then Barack Obama would have only received 11% of the votes cast by white voters. Even if the fact that voters moved away from Republicans and toward the Dems is taken into account then Obama would have garnered 13.5% of white voters.
Clearly, these numbers (for white voters) were not the results so it's reasonable to make the statement that black voters showed a collective racism in the 2008 election whereas white voters did not.
Ha hahah haah hahaha ... Oh sweet Jesus ... OnA really expects African Americans to vote for the confederacy! You really have a low opinion of black people, don't you? You must really think they are teh stoopid. Too funny.
A person knows when they aren't wanted (OnA excepted of course). Even Michael Steele has said that he can't think of any reason why a black person would vote for the GOP. What a hapless dope you are.
"The never ending quality of the jabbering class"
At least, this once, OnA is on topic.
I can't think of one reason why, after Katrina, a black person would not vote for the Republican successor to George W Bush.
Further proof that blacks are the real racists.
Here, let me show you using this complex rationalized formula that is utterly theoretical, with no supporting data, and utterly insignificant according to accepted statistical methodology...
You ummm heh .....forgot to explain why African Americans voted at three times the rate for George Bush as they did John McCain. Three times! Ummm yeah... you forgot.
People like Dan just hope that if they stubbornly ignore the facts and keep repeating their mantra often and shrill enough that eventually their fantasy will become reality. While somewhat intelligent -- perhaps as far as the limited potential for a leftist -- people like DanF still understand that a great many facts are aligned against the maintenance of their extremely fragile worldview.
Alas, it's just one of the reasons that leftist extremists like DanF will continue to lose.
Clearly, McCain is 300% whiter than George W Bush, hence the rampant racism from the AA vote in 2008. That's why you leftist extremists lost...
oh, wait.
B and E at 4:11pm
You still lost the 2008 election when we consider the issues that matter the most to the leftist losers.
For instance, Barack Obama won the election and as President he continues to leave most of the troops in Iraq, is increasing the troops in Afghanistan, is leaving the Guantanamo Bay facility for terrorist scum open and has strengthened the law allowing us to wiretap your terrorist friends without a warrant.
You leftist loser fucks will continue to lose ground while more and more people gain their freedom every single day.
What was the topic again? Oh, yea:
"The never ending quality of the jabbering class"
Still on topic!
Mr. Evil put it best fucktard - after Katrina I'm amazed that McCain got 4%. And since 2008, the racists in the GOP keep oozing forward. Colin Powell voted for Obama. Is he a racist? For me the bigger question is how can 54% of white people be so fucking stupid and vote for the GOP after the shit job Bush did.
You're an idiot. No really.
"...more and more people gain their freedom to be wiretapped without just cause or due process every single day."
There. Fixed!
Mr. Evil put it best fucktard - after Katrina I'm amazed that McCain got 4%.
Not a nice thing to say to Mr Evil. Hedley is easily the best fucktard here.
Even the portrayal of Katrina as a racist issue shows blantant racism on the part of those that actually think race played a part in more or less likeyhood of people dying from the hurricane. This puts you and those that think likewise squarely into the very same camp as nasty racists like Kenye West.
Some other things to consider:
" A July 18–21, 2008 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll showed that 20% of African American registered voters and 8% of White registered voters considered race the single most important factor when voting (margin of error was ± 3.1). This percentage increased in both groups from previous polls."
====== Now, Dan. I know you have great difficulty with basic mathematics, so I'll help out you a little here. that's two and a half times as many blacks considering race as the most important factor vs the percentage of whites
This election exhibited the continuation of some of the polarization trends evident in the 2000 and 2004 elections. McCain won whites by 12 points, while Obama won blacks by 91 points, Hispanics by 36 points, and Asians by 27 points. Voters aged 18–29 voted for Obama by 66–32 percent while elderly voters backed McCain 53–45 percent.
It is believed that about 96% of blacks in the US voted for Obama.
The election saw increased participation from African-Americans. African Americans made up 11.1% of the electorate in 2004, versus 13.0% in 2008. According to exit polls, over 95% of African Americans voted for Barack Obama. This played a critical role in southern states such as North Carolina. 74% of North Carolina's registered African American voters turned out, as opposed to 69% of North Carolinians in general, with Obama carrying an unprecedented 100% (with rounding) of African American females and African Americans age 18 to 29, according to exit polling. This was the case in Virginia as well where much higher turnout among African Americans propelled Obama to victory in the former Republican stronghold Even in southern states where Obama was unsuccessful, such as Georgia and Mississippi, due to large African American turnout he was much more competitive than John Kerry in 2004.
100% (with rounding) hmmmm.... Collective racism. 100% result brings to memory your good friend (the former) Saddam Hussein. Didn't your buddy get 99 point something of the "votes" in one of his "elections"?
Too bad about your buddy, huh Dan?
Didn't really intend to remind ya of bad memories.
Look at it this way, Saddam was at the end of his rope and didn't really need to go on consuming our valuable oxygen.
Even the portrayal of Katrina as a racist issue shows blatant racism on the part of those that actually think race played a part in more or less likelyhood of people dying from the hurricane. This puts you and those that think likewise squarely into the very same camp as nasty racists like Kenye West.
Bwaaaahhaaaaah! You give me a run for the money, Olives and Arrows.
I see your 3 deuces and raise.
OnA discovers that people play identity politics and is SHOCKED! He also believes that white people don't do this in large numbers revealing himself to be an idiot who understands nothing about human nature.
And what's with the Saddam tangent, OnA? You really have a disturbed mind to make leaps like this. I know you think your reasoning is like day following night, but it really isn't. Not even close. Seek help. I mean it. You are totally losing the thread that ties you to reality (Hint: It's the shiny purple one. Just grab on and hold tight. That's right. Now walk it back to earth slow and easy. Breathe deeply. In with the blue air, out with the red. Feeling better? Good. Now go fuck yourself in the ear).
I'm sticking with the theory that McCain is 300% whiter than Bush, hence the rampant and pronounced racism from the darker voters.
And kudos to Olives and Arrows! Thread's at 23 comments and he's ~still~ on topic!
Or just let 'em drown, watching from helicopters. Right, Olives?
B and E,
...present an argument and I'll consider looking at the link you provided. Otherwise, no go.
And what's with the Saddam tangent, OnA?
Dan. I just assumed somebody as stuck on stupid as you are was naturally allied with Saddam Hussein the murderous dictator? Especially since you opposed and continue to oppose freedom for the Iraqi people?
Even though it could also be viewed as a false dichotomy it was after all President George Bush that said "Either you are with us or you are with the terrorists."
And isn't true that what all of you leftist losers are basically alike? Don't all you extremist leftists love, apologize for and identify with the likes of (the former) Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe, lil Kim and Fidel Castro?......and ol' Uncle Josef, can't forget your Uncle Josef, can we?
.....and (the former) Che Guevara.
Leftists always like the memory of Che Guevara. They fondly remember that he murdered hundreds and his followers killed millions more to further their leftist cause.
Olives and Arrows, expecting a lazy 'intellectual' coward such as yourself to click on a link is really to much, isn't it? The facts might completely dispel your narrow, fragile little theories, might it not?
I'm confused. Is Obama a leftist socialist or a totalitarian authoritarian follower like you?
// Oh LOOK !! Salvador Allende !!! //
What a stench it leaves behind. Wipe your ass a little more often and you might start to think a little clearer.
I'm confused. Is Obama a leftist socialist or a totalitarian authoritarian...
You really are confused. Very confused.
....expecting a lazy 'intellectual' coward such as yourself to click on a link is really to much, isn't it?
Let's review, shall we?
B and E at 12:14 posts a link with no argument whatsoever and you think I'm the lazy person? You really are quite confused by all of this...
Since B and E is so obviously lazy why don't you attempt to make the argument for whatever you think he might be attempting to provide a supporting link for?
in the meanwhile.....
Hey everybody, have I missed anything? missed B and E, DanF and some others taking a heckuva beating. In other words, the usual.
I think the anonymous poster might be Hedley. Poor guy takes quite the thrashing so is prolly appearing here as anon to avoid more embarrassment.
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