Now that B.P. has finally capped the well, the temperature on the story is going down considerably because so much of it was driven by the irresistible cable-bait of the live video of gushing oil. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if within the next couple of months a major newspaper runs a story on how the most extreme scenarios of destruction from the spill aren’t coming to pass and the Gulf might bounce back sooner than expected.
But ... but ... wouldn't this be a positive development for the Obama administration?
[head explodes]
After his "starbursts" interlude, we all should have realized that, to Rich Lowry, life is one long series of episodes of wishful thinking, daydreams and flights from reality.
I hope that you realize that the whole leak thing was a cover. The Obama White House, in conjunction with BP and Hitler, used the time to build a pipeline directly to al Qaeda headquarters. Damn socialists.
I want my country back! WOlverInes!11
(can't believe I'm scooping Beck on the delusion front. Of course I haven't watched or heard him in a while, he may already be on it.)
they will find something else to bash Obama with.
maybe anton palin will have new death panels.
That was a big well on a huge resivoir of awl(as Molly Ivins would say.) Get that well to production and it will pay for itself, lots of cleanup, funds for the widows and orphans, and allow dividends to be paid once more to the stockholders.
Its a very rewarding bidness, except for those who died.
they were just "collateral damage" as they say in war zones halfway around the world Vox
I wouldn’t be surprised if within the next couple of months a major newspaper runs a story on how the most extreme scenarios of destruction from the spill aren’t coming to pass and the Gulf might bounce back sooner than expected.
I'll be surprised if they don't run such a story, regardless of whether it's supported by the evidence or not.
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