Monday, July 19, 2010

Freedom's just another word...

We've all heard about the Islamic community center in New York City that is the favorite subject of FoxNews whenever the three members of the New Black Panthers are unavailable.

But on the left-coast in Riverside, California there is another dispute over whether a mosque can be built in that community. In opposing the construction let Republican Karen Fensi demonstrate the "brilliance" of her logic in opposing Muslim-Americans exercising their Freedom of Religion:

Right now we're at war with the Taliban and the Muslims and our boys are over there fighting and dying for our freedom.

So God forbid we let someone exercising them.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Montag said...

Stupidity is forever... which might explain why Repugs make such a virtue of it.

pansypoo said...

can you say cWusade?

Olives and Arrows said...

But on the left-coast in Riverside, California there is another dispute over whether a mosque (sic) can be built in that community.


I might start considering opposition to the building of a Mosque in California a problem just as soon as the very first Christian Church is built outside of a foreign workers compound in a Saudi Arabian city.

pansypoo said...

blah bla bl b

Olives and Arrows said...

Why do you even bother? Any response you make seems to amount to sticking your fingers in your ears and chanting lalalalal
Why bother?

pansypoo said...

then why do you bother?