Wednesday, July 21, 2010

I don't want my criticism of Obama to get in the way of the real villain here

Andrew Breitbart.!

I'm sure he's booked on each of the cable networks though for the next year, 3x a week each.

Sure he's a lying, soulless, scummy SOB, but he's a available and right-wing.


pansypoo said...

he needs to be sued out of existence.then he can cry for the media again. why me?!?

Michael said...

This Machiavellian jerk is among the worst of the worst in my opinion, and for the Republican party that is saying a LOT. Not as influential as Beck or Limbaugh but just as damaging. When all you have are lies, innuendo and smear you have nothing. And yet, they thrive. No matter how many times they are proven to be wrong they seem to bounce back, more emboldened than ever. It is very disappointing to see this phenomenon happen over and over again in America and I've concluded that the only way to purge this nonsense, or at least minimize it, is to go all out to "educate" the bottom twenty to the fact that they are being used and made for fools by people who they have nothing whatsoever in common with. It's the BT that make or break elections, hardly ever voting for the correct reasons. I've watched time and again, over the years, the manipulations that take place to win this group over.
If the non right can figure out a way to effectively communicate with them I foresee a major shift in power that will, hopefully, last a long time. At least long enough to get meaningful things done.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Even worse assholes:

Rupert Murdoch.

Roger Ailes.

Anonymous said...

These liars...including Coulter and Beck need to be kept off TV but it ain't gonna happen.

My question is who is funding Breitbart? He didn't appear out of thin air.

Olives and Arrows said...


It's the BT that make or break elections, hardly ever voting for the correct reasons. I've watched time and again, over the years, the manipulations that take place to win this group over.

What you characterize as the "bottom twenty" is a leftist myth and one of the reasons that the Democratic Party loses more elections than it wins. (close to two thirds of the Presidential elections).

Twice as many American voters call themselves 'conservative' than do people calling themselves 'liberal'.
Your supposed "bottom twenty" has nothing to do with education or intelligence level. If anything Republican voters tend to have a higher education (on average) and a higher income.

Labelling a huge swath of people as "bottom twenty", the unwashed whatever or as being somehow stupid tends to backfire against those making this mischaracterization. This, as much as failing policies will continue to ensure that our left of center loses elections much more often than it wins.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Did some rightwing idiot squawk about failing policies?

What part of $12 trillion of GOBP debt, two overseas quagmires, and the busted Bush-Cheney economy do you consider to be the most successful?

pansypoo said...

for some reason it all worked out fine for the rich. the country? meh.

Olives and Arrows said...


Given past commentary expressed by the typical leftist losers I'll assume the two overseas "quagmires"
you refer to are the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan... answer your question:

The occupation of Iraq has been more successful, at least so far.
Barack Obama has been doing a fine job by keeping the majority of the troops there and in the process fucking over the people like you that would rather deny Iraqis the same freedom that you have. He has also copied the successful surge strategy in Afghanistan, so hopefully you losers and the Islamists you support will get fucked over there as well.

The economic downfall of 2008 I consider to be (mostly) the fault of both the Republicans and the Democratic Party. The Dems promoted affirmative action lending and the Republicans under Bush junior allowed it to continue until the eventual housing crisis.

Anonymous said...


Twice as many American voters call themselves 'conservative' than do people calling themselves 'liberal'.

Maybe. But that's only until you dig into the issues and get specific and, suddenly, those "conservative" Americans are "liberal". Pew research during the reign of the Worse. President. EVAR!

I get this shit all the time from my Reich-wing friends who constantly send me those bogus emails (of which ZERO have been about a republican). The problem is the label; conservatives made "liberal" a dirty word and Dems don't, or won't, fight back.

This is what I throw back at them (clipped from other sources and added upon by me):

Yeah. Liberals wanted to interfere in the right of the husband to end life support of his brain-dead wife in a coma for over a decade and passed a law to make it happen.
Liberals want to determine what research is to be done, how it is to be done, and the results on matters of stem-cells.
Liberals want to deny women the right to control their bodies.
Liberals want to publicly post the names of women getting abortions.
Liberals think it just fine to wiretap anyone and listen in on every electronic media communication without a court warrant.
Liberals want to give the FBI the power to investigate anyone "without any basis for suspicion".
Liberals want you to buy your own Goddamn rape kit.
Fuck you, asswad!

Liberals got women the right to vote.
Liberals got African-Americans the right to vote.
Liberals created Social Security helping millions of elderly people out of poverty.
Liberals created programs that lifted millions of Americans out of poverty.
Liberals ended segregation.
Liberals passed the Civil Rights Act.
Liberals passed the Voting Rights Act.
Liberals created Medicare and Medicaid.
Liberals passed the Clean Air Act and the Clean Water Act.
Liberals got equal rights and equal pay for women.
Liberals passed Richard Nixon's dream of affordable health care that lifted at least 30-million Americans from what conservative columnist David Brooks said was "..millions of working families (going) to bed at night knowing that they are not an illness away from financial ruin".

And what did Conservatives do? They opposed them on every one of those things – every fucking one. So excuse me, you Reich-wing, reactionary xenophobic, homophobic, anti-education, anti-choice, pro-gun, Leave-it-to-Beaver-trip-back-to-the-fifties jerkwad. Don't try to hurl that label at me as if it were something to be ashamed of, because it won’t work, you sanctimonious cretin. It's a badge of fucking honor. Oh, and bite me!

Olives and Arrows said...

Anon at 8:33am,

I agree that the word "liberal" has wrongly been made into a dirty word.

And it's rather odd that you make the case and in the very same comment post you refer to "Reich-wing friends".
Quite odd, indeed.

pansypoo said...

pfft. o/a droppings.