Saturday, July 24, 2010

Real Grassroots

Thanks to the Supreme Court's decision in Citizens United, American democracy is more or an oligarchy than ever.

Rove’s RNC ‘grassroots’ rival, American Crossroads, raised 97 percent of its money from four billionaires.


JDM said...

ameriKKKa is a kkklassless society.

We have always been at war with Eastasia.

War is peace...

StonyPillow said...

The Roberts Court has broken the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Three of them were named 'Mellon'?

Anonymous said...

trickle down, or just political pissing on the mass of men and women?

pansypoo said...

when will they have enough?

Montag said...

Now I'm sure that Rove has got Jebby waiting in the wings.

This is the billionaires' first chance to buy a President outright, and Jebby's always been willing to be bought.

And Rove is just the guy to arrange it.