Behold Kent Conrad "Mr. Deficit Hawk". What do you think of those Bush tax cuts for the wealthy and the Republican plan for loving them?
[A] “formula for the decline of the United States.”
Naturally, Kent continues...
There’s no question in my mind that taxes have to go up on the wealthiest among us. The question is when. I don’t think this is the moment.
Yes, god forbid the fabulously wealthy, who have had huge swaths of the national wealth the last eight years concentrated in their hands, release a fraction (now, then, or ever).
It's just never the moment for them to help reduce the debt, is it "Mr. Deficit Hawk"?
[cross-posted at Firedoglake]
(pic from walknboston at flickr.com)
The Laffer Curve has been laffing at us chumps since 1981.
cornrad, ok. stupid. but lieberfuckenputz? biggest mistake. thank god he never got to the white house.
cornrad, ok. stupid. but lieberfuckenputz? biggest mistake. thank god he never got to the white house.
cornrad, ok. stupid. but lieberfuckenputz? biggest mistake. thank god he never got to the white house.
cornrad, ok. stupid. but lieberfuckenputz? biggest mistake. thank god he never got to the white house.
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