Rep. Zack Wamp (R-Tenn.), in an interview with Hotline on Call, was the latest to raise the idea [secession]. "I hope that the American people will go to the ballot box in 2010 and 2012 so that states are not forced to consider separation from this government," he said.
..."Patriots like Rick Perry have talked about these issues because the federal government is putting us in an untenable position at the state level," said Wamp.
Yes, not wanting to be part of the United States is the very height of patriotism.
Promises, promises. We can't miss them if they won't go away.
It works for the troll.
Amazing how they just can't help themselves -- everything in their playbook is Confederate States of America boilerplate.
But they're NOT racists. Nope. Not them...
Tennessee gets something like a $1.21 from the feds for every dollar they send to DC. Maybe they should secede and see that it's like without that extra money. Hell, NYS given the feds lots of money over the years and we don't get back more than we give... maybe there would be more for us without Tennessee in the queue for a handout.
The South has a long and costly tradition to uphold of traitors posing as patriots to maintain their sick racist power structure. vox
whiney-assed-tittie-babies. sore winners became even bigger sore losers.
i suppose it will be 24/7 temper tantrums til 2012.
If Tennessee secedes from the Union, can Nashville secede from Tennessee? Along with our universities, hospitals, insurance companies, music industry, hospitality industry. Wow, they're gonna have some tax base, aren't they? Living in Nashville, I often don't recognize the image of Tennessee represented by the likes of Zack Wamp.
If the outcome of their secession is the same as last time, I'd want the next Reconstruction to be really, really rough.
wamp is an idiot confederate.
Hell, let them go. Let Texas and Tennessee and all the other states shaking their fists and threatening secession make good on the threat. When they find out what they have to do without the federal funds...hmmm...
If Texas seceded, my bet is that the wingnutz would immediately start questioning Goodhair's ideological purity, and then would blow him away as insufficiently dedicated to the organized insanity that is the Texas Republican Party.
Tennessee after secession would probably just mourn the much smaller crowds at the Grand Ole Opry.
Some ask whether it's "Wamp" as in "tramp" or "Wamp" as in "stomp". Actually, it's "Wamp" as in C Street Family.
Nice to know that's the Evalibangelicals' goal.
As long as we get to keep the nukes, good riddance.
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