The House is pissed at the White House, if for no other reason than they've been doing the heavy lifting while Obama has frankly spent too much time worried about being all "bi-partisan" -- all while he gets compared to Hitler. Do I really need to rant about how stupid that all is?
No, good, because I'm fucking tired.
Hell, even Harry Reid is right.
Meanwhile, Barack.
How about just pounding the podium a couple times, just to try it out?
The true believers still believe that Obama--after running one of the tightest campaigns in many a year--is still just a little clueless about the way the White House functions.
It's going to be a pretty fuckin' rude awakening.
How about just pounding the podium a couple times, just to try it out?
Not gonna happen. We'll have 30 million Yosemite Sams and Samanthas roaming the streets, spittle-flecked faces twisted in rage and guns blazing, looking for their Second Amendment Remedy.
We bought "no drama Obama", FSM help us. We'll have to look to Congress for leadership for the rest of this presidency.
Goddamnit, make the Republicans filibuster.
Oh I forgot, that wouldn't be polite.
So I can look forward to Republicans ramming things through with a bare majority, while Democrats never even threaten to filibuster, because that would be impolite.
Pass the unemployment benefits extension and get the approval ratings up, declare war on the tea party, sever all ties and impose an economic blockade on Arizona, do something dear mr. president, you are not there just because of David Axelrod and Rahm Emmanuel.
now is not the time for bi-partisan. the rite still wants everything their way.
Really tired of this "lets play nice" routine. When are these folks going to get the fact that the Repubs just don't care about the things the people who elected Obama care about? When are they going to understand that they must FIGHT for what is right? That they owe it to those of us who put our faith in them to get off their asses and get the job done?
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