Tuesday, July 06, 2010

The 9 Percent more solution

Benjamin Netanyahu is meeting with Obama today to pose for pictures and spawn as many possible overwrought links on Memeorandum as possible. It's a big day for Krauthammer, just a couple cuts and pastes and the next column is done.

Perhaps they can discuss how close Israel is getting to end those sanctions in Gaza?

Jewish settlements control more than 42 percent of the West Bank, and much of that land was seized from Palestinian landowners in defiance of an Israeli Supreme Court ban, an Israeli human rights group said Tuesday.

So close so very close, so things are getting better:

Netanyahu has said that one of the primary goals of his visit to Washington — he'll meet with Obama on Tuesday — is to outline what efforts Israel's has made to ease the blockade as well as what steps the country has taken to pursue peace talks with the Palestinians. Officials in Netanyahu's government said that they expect Obama to be "pleased" with the progress.

Much like I was pleased when the bank raised my Visa limit last week and my interest rate, or when I got CNBC in high def and my cable rates increased for the privilege of Larry Kudlow in 1080i.

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


Fivish said...

Only 42%! International Law and Treaty requires close settlement of the land by Jews - 100%.
Instead of these terrorist sympathysers making up 'laws', read the real thing: the Paris Agreement, the San Remo Treaty, The British Mandate and the Anglo-American Treaty; all testify to the sole rights of Jews to settle all the land west of the Jordan River. Even the UN is not adverse to ignoring its charter (article 80) when pronouncing on Israel.
Anti-Semitism and oil have created a very bad situation in which Jews are not getting justice.
Peace will come when the Arabs are told the truth, a truth that is denied to them from birth.

JDM said...


Attaturk said...

No, Liebermansraum

JDM said...

Geez, a pile of colonialist horseshit gives the State of Israel the right to murder people and steal their land? I don't fucking think so.

pansypoo said...

the holocaust makes everything ok.