Sunday, July 04, 2010

Happy Independence Day

I see ABC is going to have on...yet again...John McCain. Apparently to discuss his personal relationship with Thomas Paine (who thought McCain was a bit of a d-bag).

McCain, of course, is brought on to commemorate all the major Days; Veterans, D-, May, New Year's, Valentine's, Arbor, Bastille, Senior Skip, Taco Tues-, Double Coupon, and, of course, Crazy.

In fact, it is quite a day for Village Intercourse, as not only is McCain on television, but his two other compadres in the wankers triumvirate are also on the appropriately named boob-tube. Lieberman is on FoxNews undoubtedly to say we're winning in Afghanistan...again; and Lindsay Graham is on CBS.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, it's a good day to watch tennis, from the mother country (or cycling from France).

Truly, a refuge from scoundrels.


ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Not only have all those clowns been on TV a bazillion times, they're effing boring as hell.


StonyPillow said...

Can we talk the Brits into stretching the matches of Wimbledon out a bit? Strawberries and cream (and no Gregory) for breakfast every Sunday? Their former colonies would be better for it.

DrDick said...

Will MCain finally reveal that Paine's famous "sunshine patriot" phrase is about him?

pansypoo said...

funny that the 'church' party is on teevee for republikkklan heathens, instead of in church.

the gnews hate america.

Montag said...

It's the 4th of July, and America hits the fear-mongering, reactionary-pandering trifecta....

It's somehow perversely fitting that these three are on television to represent the country on its anniversary.

Television producers have a rather corporate notion of the meaning of patriotism, yes?