Friday, July 02, 2010

If we're really lucky, someday this guy...

Will be in the starting line up of Green Bay.

Tulane received an oral commitment today from an Montgomery, Ala., quarterback named Fudge Van Hooser today.

Truly Packer-Viking rivalry level humor. What is it with Alabama, stupid names, and racist morons named after Civil War losers elected to the Senate?


DanF said...

Throw a "Count Sillious von" in front of that name and you'd have a decent Harry Potter character.

pansypoo said...

ok, trend of old fashioned names for girls, why not for boys? we need sylvesters + chesters.
packers had a basil.

Major Woody said...

What I'd like to know is, is the kid's name 'Fudge' 'Van Hooser' like he's from the Netherlands, or is it 'Fudge Van' 'Hooser'. I'd like to hang out with somebody named 'Fudge Van'. "Yo, Fudge Van, what's up?" "You da man, Fudge Van!" See? Just oodles of fun.

Hackwhackers said...

Van Hooser Daddy works for me.

Anonymous said...

fudge is a darn good, original nickname. I love them My dad's nickname was Pug.
Southern tradition? How about Babe Ruth, Blackjack Pershing, Papa Hemingway?