Saturday, July 17, 2010

Late to the Party

While I appreciate Dana Milbank's effort to get the message out...
These sentiments have long existed on the fringe and always will. The problem is that conservative leaders and Republican politicians, in their blind rage against Obama these last 18 months, invited the epithets of the fringe into the mainstream. Godwin's Law has spread from the chat rooms and now applies to cable news and even to the floor of the House of Representatives.
We need to remember that the phenomenon is not now and never has been "fringe".

The author has been a conservative "thought leader" since his mommy appointed him one by fiat and his magnum opus was brought to you by the charmers at the very large and very mainstream book publisher, Random House.


Montag said...

Bennett Cerf, wherever the hell he is, must be reflexively puking up his innards every time Doughy puts fingers to keyboard....

DrDick said...

Modern conservatism continues to define down "respectable."

pansypoo said...

zombie reagan is being given life support.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Let's not forget the Tribune Company.

Anonymous said...

I have you all to thank for sparing me any curiosity at all about this bit of human waste.

rapier said...

Sorry to hear about your nativist outbreak there in Iowa. So close no less to your Canada, Minnesota that is. Of course they have Bachman in overdrive now and Paulty so where can you hide? Iowa City maybe where the college crowd sort of overwhelms the overheated pure blood brigade. It's just as well Attaturk didn't build that gay wedding chapel in the shape of a fez. It would have burned down faster than touchdown Jesus.