Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Noted historian and scientist

Rush Limbaugh informs us that the Islamic World never gave us much of anything in the fields of science and math.

And who are your going to believe, Rush Limbaugh or your lying Arabic Numeral seeing eyes?


StonyPillow said...

Our glorious Republican future has no need for science.

PurpleGirl said...


(only because Head--Wall or Desk would hurt too much)

But then what can one expect from a lout like him?

Athenawise said...

Well, what can you expect from a gasbag whose math skills consist of counting out Oxycontin pills?

DrDick said...

There is also that al-jabr and al-chemy, not to mention medicine and all the rest of the sciences preserved in the Muslim world while Europe luxuriated in the theocratic Dark Ages.

DanF said...

Conservapedia's entry on Algebra links to an internal entry on Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī:

Who apparently was a "[...] mathematician who made major contributions to mathematics, astronomy, and geography."

Clearly Conservapedia owe's Rush an apology.

jimmiraybob said...

As my momma used to say, ignorance is as ignorance does. Maybe Uncle Rusty is limited to only Bible history (King James Version Only).

Anonymous said...

with leadership made up of the limpball mentality, itsnow wonder the west stayed in the dark ages so long. vox

pansypoo said...

well, they did invent algebra.