Monday, July 05, 2010

Oh the banality

Yesterday when channel surfing I came across the annual embarrassment that is the Nathan's Hotdog eating contest.

The guy doing the MCing said something along the the event was starting, "Who dares say the United States isn't the greatest country in the world now?!!"

Two things. At that moment, me or anyone else with a minor sense of rationality or shame. Second, I think I can think of one reason "they" hate us and it has nothing to do with pork-byproducts.

Oh, and it gets better.


Olives and Arrows said...

"Who dares say the United States isn't the greatest country in the world now?!!"

It takes all kinds. There's lotsa people that dare say all variety of ridiculous things. And it isn't just the bone stupid people that won't admit that the US is the greatest country, there are actually some intelligent persons that think in the very same manner.

DanF said...

Sigh ... You just knew that comment would bring out the chest thumping in our resident amoral coward.

StonyPillow said...

Larry King already found the all-time wiener.

Banality and Evil said...

If this isn't clear and conclusive evidence that the Unitad States is the best country in the world (south of Canada), I don't know what is!

Now, when can we start bombing another brown country and blowing a million a year per soldier on the occupation? The sooner the better in our crowd!

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Any discussion of 'greatness' would be incomplete without a reflection on Reagan's legacy:

pansypoo said...

more reason to ignore the boob tube on holidays.