Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pathetic and unintentionally hilarious quote of the day

"[Muslims] hate Jews, they hate Christians [sic], they hate women, they hate dogs."

..."I want you to stress this -- I'm not prejudiced."

- Diane Serafin, leader of a group trying to prevent the building of a Mosque in Temecula, California


Frank said...

You have a fan at Democratic Underground where I saw this cross posted.

Anonymous said...

Republicans aka (Teapartiers) hate Muslems,blacks, mexicans, taxes, big gummit, abortion, poor people, anyone who hesitiates on gun righs,Obama, democrats (AKA socialists) but they aren't prejudiced.

JDM said...

OK, ur not prejudiced.

Ur a retarded knuckle dragging asswipe fuck pig.

Bettah now, Di?

pansypoo said...

absolutely. nosireebob. they are NOT haters. wink wink nudge nudge.