Friday, July 02, 2010

Say hello to 1RXS J160929.1-210524 uh, 2.0

Nice name huh?

First picture of a planet outside of our own solar system. Only 500 light-years away.


JDM said...

Looks like Houston, but with less oil in the water.

charles pierce said...

And, oddly enough, they want no part of us.

jackd said...

It's a great image and a wonderful story, but not the first directly-imaged exoplanet. The Bad Astronomer has the full scoop, of course.

Bottom line: "first direct image of a planet orbiting a sun-like star taken by a telescope on Earth" but that really doesn't sound as impressive.

pansypoo said...

no wonder car names are stupid now. can we call it planet gremlin?

Major Woody said...

Have they got any Lithium?

Anonymous said...

And it doesn't look a parsec over 450.
