All the bullshit tossed out about the so-called Climate-Gate turned out to be exposed as, well bullshit. But not before FoxNews, Glenn Beck and Rush Limbaugh through out lies and threats as fast as they could.
Eventually, as any rational person knew, there was no scandal at all, except for the theft of property utilized by the spewers of bullshit.
But, of course, that just means the ignorant listening to the bloviators have been sending constant death-threats to scientist, inspired by the haters.
Nobody could have anticipated, etc.
Oh, and now that the scandal has been exposed as not a scandal, we can't do anything about climate-change because Al Gore allegedly wanted a rub and tug, thereby disproving all science ever.
" ... we can't do anything about climate-change because Al Gore allegedly wanted a rub and tug, thereby disproving all science ever."
Atta, once again, perfection.
we are so fucked.
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