Saturday, July 03, 2010

Your completely unfair slander of the day

World Cup Quarterfinals today:

Germany vs. Argentina

Spain vs. Paraguay

What is this Fascist vs. Fascist Retirement Community Day?

Plus, who the hell will Mel Gibson cheer for? I demand to know in advance, so I can do the opposite.

Thank you, try the veal.


Raoul Paste said...

I thought I was in the Catskills for a second there.

pansypoo said...

the german octopus went for germany.

Marcellina said...

Hey, at least *they* made it to the quarterfinals...
And the Germany/Argentina game was brilliant.

Olives and Arrows said...

Both matches today were highly entertaining.

It's now seeming probable that the record of European sides having never won the World Cup outside their own continent will come to an end. Unless Uruguay manages to defeat first the Dutch and then the winner of the Germany vs Spain semi....

Anonymous said...

The most entertaining thing about the World Cup is its unpredictability, as it is was and always shall be world without end amen..vox