Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Courses at Glenn Beck University

Look out DeVry!

1. Spellen

2. Grandmar

3. Rithmatick


Anonymous said...

We have really entered the Dark Ages.
Or some extra-stupid version of 1984.

StonyPillow said...

Enroll now at Heebie-GB U. for advanced training in the high-paying career of mummification. Sarcophaguses are limited -- reserve your space today. (h/t Fearguth).

DanF said...

That's the quality snark that keeps us coming back Attaturk!

Athenawise said...

There must be some kind of lefty sign-making conspiracy to make them look bad. They all can't possibly be this stupid, can they? Can they?

jimmiraybob said...

What DanF said. Now I got ta goes soes I can srtat praktzin my ciphern. I are in Beck U prepa....preeparooon....papatory....go to first skool.

Anonymous said...

Stupid, maybe, but full of themselves, well-financed and able to control the midiots, certainly.
Snide remarks about the size of brains is a way of hiding from em.
They need to be confronted by forces greater than theirs and the Obama administration did by taking Az to court yesterday Vox

jimmiraybob said...

They need to be confronted by forces greater than theirs...

But the snark is mightier than the stupid.

Add to that, to mock is divine whereas to remain profoundly ignorant and willfully uninformed when actual facts are so readily available, while Becktonianly Tea Baggalicious, is human only in so far as a pulse and marginal awareness during street crossing may be detectable.

I paraphrase.

Mr. Hedley Bowes said...

Another sign of the Idiocalypse.

pansypoo said...

oh, the illiteracy!

sukabi said...

Beware teh Illiterati, they cometh for your brains.

pansypoo said...

only if they are unused.