Thursday, July 08, 2010

How it all works...

But one day, one typical day, in the cable news world.

FoxNews decides to have two "themes" of the day all in the name of fair & balanced.

1. The Black Panthers elected Barack Obama President and Grand Mufti simultaneously -- and we know it's true because it comes from a political appointee of the Bush Justice Department and those people were nothing if not straight shooters ... and they've got the holes in their feet to prove it.


CNN, your source of Lindsay Lohan news, finds time for two additional stories.

1. Hey, that FoxNews story about the Black Panthers sounds like it will kill time, let's put Mr. Charisma, Wolf Blitzer, on that, he's so smart.

2. OMG, somebody who knows the Middle East tweeted something about a Muslim-political figure dying that did not include condemning them to an eternity of hellfire and pork rinds -- fire their terrorist appeasing ass!

MSNBC, certainly not your source for well-known sexual terms nor wisecracks about Joe Scarborough's past -- but they do have a secret plan to dominate.

Hey, can we just combine everything into one mass of stupidity and have Pat Buchanan discuss Lindsay Lohan?


Let us just award ESPN all the various news Emmys because their World Cup Coverage has contained more journalism in one month than the last ten years of alleged Cable News?

[cross-posted at Firedoglake]


StonyPillow said...

ESPN will contain more journalism in a one hour special tonight than ten years of cable news vuvuzelas. Bzzzzzz.

pansypoo said...

lohan just gave them this summer's jazz hands. until some pretty female is missing. oil? what oil?

Anonymous said...

Comeon, they suck ass just like cable. Follow the money. Vox