Friday, July 09, 2010

It always is...

Atrios long ago noticed that through the media filter everything is good news for Republicans. But I do believe, courtesy of the Atlantic's Joshua Green, we have just achieved the ziggurat of the art:

So LeBron James is abandoning Cleveland for sunny Miami. That's a tough break for Ohio sports fans. But what effect might LeBron's departure have on Ohio's politics? I think it helps the Tea Party...

(cross-posted at Firedoglake)

[pic form Steadyjohn at Flickr]


pansypoo said...

do we have to change it to IOKIYATB?

Montag said...

Ah, yes, it will be very helpful to the teabaggers... in their neverending quest to exceed the minimum daily requirement for undifferentiated, nebulous, misdirected anger, resentment and outrage.