Thursday, July 01, 2010

Last Airbender = Popcorn Fart


Someone in comments at Gawker has charted the devolution of M. Night Shyamalans' movie review chart at Rotten Tomatoes:

Sixth Sense: 85%
Unbreakable: 68%
Signs: 74%
The Village: 43%
Lady in the Water: 24%
The Happening: 18%
Last Airbender: 5%

With a few exceptions what a shitty summer this has been for movies, even by the usual low standards.

I understand Cyrus is pretty good.


pansypoo said...

so, i should see 6th sense?

MarkC said...

My son loved Toy Story 3. He's 15, and I'd say that is a pretty good recommendation since he is wont to criticize movies I like as juvenile. So if he is willing to admit he liked it, he must have really liked it.