It's been a tough week for a lot of people, World Cup Refs, English Football Fans, American Soccer Fans, Canadian Foosball Fans, and guessing by the job numbers coming out today everyone.
But then there is John Boehner?
This week Boehner said the retirement age should be raised so we can pay for more wars (not that Nancy Pelosi would disagree); compared the economic collapse to a mildly bothersome ant; he caved to intellectual titan Steve King; he had Eric Cantor stab him in the back; he had Joe Scarborough say he's reputed as fairly lazy and liking his booze, a lot.
Oh, and he took a brave stand against a very modest tanning tax, no doubt selflessly.
And finally he ends the week by accusing Obama of liking to whine.
I guess he prefers the alternative.
I like our plastered, blubbering Oompa-Loompah just the way he is. Boehner is a fitting representative of the Republican party.
I love that the guy most likely to actually CRY at the drop of a hat is calling Obama a whiner... I'll be waiting for the DNC to put together an ad compilation of Boner's best tears along with his little bit about Obama whining...If they can put his "ant" nonsense to work they can surely use his tears...
I worry sometimes that the House GOP might oust Boehner and replace him with someone effective.
But then I remember that Eric Cantor seems to be the guy with the second-most-clout in the House and I get less worried.
we need to take his golf clubs away. heck, all his toys.
I bet he broke down in tears when he made the whining remark. That dude cries more than my granddaughter does and she's 3 years old.
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