OH NOZ, we might via international diplomacy be amenable to putting a Muslim ...INNNNN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE!
I don't remember the outrage of putting other individuals of other nationalities or our own, some of whom were quite possibly Muslim, causing such stupid infantile bloviating, but we live in an age of stupid infantile bloviating so that probably has something to do with it.
If you don't want to slaughter them and fry 'em up, you cannot get into orbit.
(pic from Muppetcast on Flickr)
how can they pray to mecca?
Ah, well, there were no such complaints when an Israeli was shot into space, so, it can't be that they're just on an "America first and only!" campaign.
But, I have no doubt that, if a Muslim does end up in space, they will be demanding that Obama blow up the reentry vehicle to make for parity of treatment....
they might learn there' just no there there for mecca, jerusalem, or St. Peters' in Rome...man's deeds serve as the signpost of lives, not beliefs.
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