Thursday, July 01, 2010

When Lazy meets Crazy

On the intertubes this was discussed yesterday as an indication of just how on the crazy-edge of Crazytown (in the State of Dementia, Land of Dairy Queen) Georgia Alabama nutjob Rick Barber is.

And it does so, despite the interviewers wretchedness. It could have been a hell of a lot more devastating if Chris Matthews hyperventilating desire to not listen and just demand answers to non-questions his staff had prepared for him.

It's just lazy, if he'd actually listened to the guy, he could have truly destroyed him and his insane ideas -- but no, he had to scream, yell, and use his usual over-the-top bloviating at the first sign of having a guy cornered.


DanF said...

OK ... That was painful. The skies are different colors in each of their worlds. Both walked away thinking they crushed the other guy.

jackd said...

Although Georgia has nutjobs every bit as crazy as Rick Barber, he's next door in Alabama.

Grace Nearing said...

That was just like listening to two idiots arguing. Wait, that's just what it was....

Matthews was so busy not listening that he didn't hear Barber advocating the elimination of Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid. Just blew right by the guy.

And of course, Matthews didn't do any prep work on how a national sales tax would affect the proto-typical family of four in real life, so he didn't challenge Barber on that either. Instead he kept screeching about the sales taxes in DC and Pennsylvania.

sukabi said...

the ONLY thing Tweety is interested in is hearing HIMSELF yap, which is why I can't watch his "show", he even talks over the folks he has on that he tends to agree with. It's all about HIM....


pansypoo said...

both idiots.