Sunday, July 04, 2010

Sadly, cause of crash not followed by "...the bounty hunter"

Well, this is certainly novel:

Brussels - Several crashes marred the first stage of the Tour de France on Sunday, with Giro d'Italia winner Ivan Basso and David Millar of Britain falling off their bikes after a dog ran in front of the peloton.

Hopefully the dog and riders are alright, and whoever brought their dog to the Tour de France is being appropriately called a moron (to be honest there are some rural areas and it might have been more of a classic dog chasing shit moment).


Not a country dog on the loose -- caused by moron.


DrDick said...

"Caused by a moron" is generally a good default response to anything of this sort.

jimmiraybob said...

"Caused by a moron"

In the spirit of the day I'll forgo making smarmy and snarky comment on our fellow citizens of the Tea Party.

pansypoo said...

morons are hard to plan for.

Anonymous said...

like unwanted little beck brats..? vox