Friday, September 24, 2010

Funny that

Crooks and Liars and Gawker have what FoxNews left out of O'Reilly's interview with Jon their precious viewers wouldn't have their greek chorus de-tuned:

I know what this is. I come from Jersey—it's the same thing: "I'm not saying your mother's a whore. I'm just saying she has sex for money. With people." [F]ox News used to be all about, you don't criticize a president during wartime. It's unacceptable, it's treasonous, it gives aid and comfort to the enemy. All of a sudden, for some reason you can run out there and say, "Barack Obama is destroying the fabric of this country."

He closed with this unanswerable question: "How many tyrants do you know that really suffer because they can't get cloture?"


DanF said...

I'm glad this is out there, but I'm sure the Fox Friends of the world won't see it. The editing of the originally aired piece was really bad, and it was obvious that huge chunks were edited. Kudos to Jon Stewart.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this footage from Stewart's appearance on the program earlier in the year?

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Shirley you meant "FAUX and Fiends", DanF?

DanF said...

At this point "Fox" is pretty much a pejorative all on it's own.

pansypoo said...

shirley is is Fux and Friends.

Olive's and Arrow's said...

You know, Fox News is absolutely correct... you should never criticize a president during wartime, because it is unacceptable, it is treasonous, and it does give aid and comfort to the enemy.

Therefore, I promise that I will never, ever criticize President Obama, ever again.

pansypoo said...