More than two-years ago, the Washington Post's then Ombudsman took David Broder to task for taking fees to speak before lobbying groups (and then frankly using their talking points in his pablumatic columns). Broder flat out lied, got called on it, and said he wouldn't do it anymore.
Well, guess what?
I'm sure the current Ombudsman Andy Alexander, given his track-record, will get right on not getting right on that.
I haven't looked yet, but I bet he's on vacation...yet again.
That's a big affirmative.
Not so much a newspaper as a penny saver handout for Kaplan "university"
Part of his job description is "conveniently go on vacation any time there is a serious ethical issue at the paper."
it's all about pity now.
Words, words, aah nothing left to sell but the greed of an old washed out dried up wh--- itself...vox
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